Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Send a Friend!

Now is the time to order Småkompisar/Storkompisar for Christmas! Why not send a Friend (Small Friend or Big Friend) as a business gift or Christmas card to promote your company and thank your clients? A Christmas Friend in a suitable colour, with or without message or logo. More info here:
Nu är det dags att beställa Småkompisar/Storkompisar till jul! Varför inte skicka en Kompis (Småkompis eller Storkompis) som julkort, företagspresent som tack till anställda och kunder? En Julkompis i passande färg, med eller utan meddelande eller logotyp. Mer information här:

Monday, 1 October 2012

Friend of the Month, October 2012

This is Gun! A truly great friend and our Friend of the Month in October! Gun has worked with children all her life. For many years as a kindergarten teacher, and so her own four children and seven grandchildren, her greatest joy in life. Today her heart beats a little extra for the 92 children living at the Orphanage in Udupi, India. She has overall responsibility for the orphanage and sponsor activities from Sweden. Thumbs up for Gun!